At Jagat Singh Hotels , we collect information about our guests and website visitors to enhance their experience and cater to their needs effectively. We strive to gather this information only with your knowledge and permission, if required. The types of personally identifiable information we may collect include your name, addresses, contact numbers, credit card details, date of birth, gender, and lifestyle preferences such as room choices, leisure activities, and special requests like health conditions requiring specific accommodations.
We are dedicated to providing transparency regarding the collection and use of personally identifiable information obtained from visitors using our website, products, and services. We only ask for information that is necessary for us to fulfill our services or commitments. To ensure the accuracy and currency of your personal information, we encourage you to review and update it regularly, especially if there are any changes to your contact details.
At Jagat Singh Hotels, we prioritize information security and continually review and enhance our technical, physical, and logical security measures to safeguard your personally identifiable information against loss, misuse, or alteration while under our control. While absolute security cannot be guaranteed, we employ procedural and technical safeguards such as password controls and firewalls to protect your information both online and offline.